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Category: Gaming

The Big Swing

The Big Swing by Basil Nestor When players hear the word “volatility,” they often picture a drunk guy who is red in the face and complaining about his bad hand. He is belligerent, criticizing the dealer, and generally being volatile. Yuck.We call that sort of volatility being “on tilt,” and it certainly can kill a […]

Rules & Strategy – Player’s Club

Rules & Strategy Player’s Club Casino comps can take on a wide range of forms. In traditional or “land-based” casinos free rooms, cash rewards, show tickets, and free meals are the coin of the realm. It’s pretty much “the sky’s the limit” depending on how big a player you are. In online casinos, you don’t […]

The Ins and Outs of Roulette

A beginner’s guide to playing the game By Henry Tamburin   Take this short quiz to see what you really know about roulette   1. The probability of any bet winning at roulette is the same. T or F.   2. An American roulette wheel has 36 numbers. T or F.   3. After the […]

Roulette brainteaser

Find out how much you really know about roulette. By Henry Tamburin So you think you’re an expert at roulette? Maybe you are, and maybe not. To find out, try answering these 10 simple questions about the game. True or False The chance of a red or black number hitting is 50/50. You have a […]

Betting the Big Bucks

Thinking About the Game Betting the Big Bucks Sometimes you need to bet it all to win anything by Basil Nestor A few years ago an Englishman named Ashley Revell sold everything he owned, converted it to cash, traveled to Las Vegas, and bet the whole amount on one spin of roulette. Pretty gutsy. Ashley […]

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