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Host Feature: Barbara St. John

Executive Casino Host, Grand Sierra Resort


Barbara St. John
Executive Casino Host, Grand Sierra Resort

Career Path: In 1966 I was hired for a summer job and fully intended to return to the University of Arizona to continue my accounting education. However, I fell in love with the beauty of the area, the people, the excitement and challenges of working in the casino business and decided this was the place I needed to be. After working in seven departments and experiencing as much as possible in each position, I applied for and was hired as casino host. After that I was promoted to executive casino host in January of 2012 and hold that position currently.


Passion for the Job: I love working in a position that challenges you each and every day. A host is continually presented with problems, questions and/or concerns that require patience and diplomacy to effectively respond. I try to remember that a temporary failure just means another opportunity!


Need for a Host: Our casino guests require the kind of personal attention that can only come from an experienced host. Someone they can trust to take care of their requests in a timely manner, the ability to suggest possible alternatives to impossible situations and promote our company’s values and advantages to secure guest loyalty.


Building Relationships: I try to be available 24/7 for calls and return those calls in a timely manner. I call or email for birthdays, anniversaries and special events and work very hard to keep contact with all my guests. And I make notes to remember those events, along with any health issues that may need special attention.


Fun Aspects: Joining my guests for a dinner or event to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or special event. Creating something very special and different for my guests to attend and enjoy such as the Mixology Event I hosted recently are also things I especially enjoy.


Interesting Encounters: During the 58 years working in this business, I have had the amazing opportunity to meet people from all walks of life. Meeting famous entertainers, politicians, business owners and even a few well-known gangsters has made my career beyond wonderful! They have all contributed something fascinating, interesting and exciting to my work and personal life. Nothing I could have dreamed would ever compare to the reality.

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